
Showing posts from December, 2018

Vacation Time

With classes ending soon means I will be able to spend more time with family and photographing all the fun times we will have together. This upcoming break I plan to relax but pick up my camera more often and go out to take pictures of the beautiful scenery and even portraits of friends and family. I cannot wait to see what this upcoming month holds and what new experiences I will go through.


Over the past 3 months I have learned a ton of new things about my camera and Photoshop and/or Lightroom. I have learned how to fix exposures to adding a vingnette to a photo. I cannot wait to see what else I will learn in the near future and see what job opportunities I will experience. Over the winter break I plan to do freelance portraiture for my friends and family and gain more experience for the future.

Reaching Out

Lately I have had to reach out to professional photographers in the United States. Very few replied but I had the opportunity to get my work out to them. I have been given other opportunites to work with wedding photographers but Im not quite ready to go out and do other jobs especially when I am still learning more about my camera.